Why did you start writing?

Why did I start writing? Now that I don't really remember.
 I first started writing in 3rd grade with my best friend at the time, Karly. I remember at recess we used to play a game where we were tigers and we had to get away from the humans before they caught us. And that started the series known as The Adventures of Star and Stripe.  I wrote from Stripe's point of view who was a white tiger, and Karly wrote from Star's point of view who was a baby orange tiger. They were sisters. (Don't ask me how that's possible. I was 8.) We wrote a ton of different books, with all different adventures and conflicts. Star and Stripe had to save their habitat from humans who were taking their home and all their animal friends away in the "human truck." I was obsessed with tigers back then. The two tigers even had super powers. We were cool kids. 
 We were really proud of it, but let no one see it. Then I remember in 4th grade, Karly was put in a different class than I was so we grew apart. We tried to continue writing but we just gave up.
At the end of fourth grade, I was embarrassed to take my series of stories home because I didn't want my mother to see. So you know what I did? I threw them all away.

I could punch myself so freaking hard right now. All of my hard work in a dumpster some where. Days and days of fun and writing with Karly, gone. I am so stupid. Back in my nine year old mind, it seemed the only logical thing to do. My mom could never know about it, and to this day, she still doesn't.

In fifth grade I wrote books on my own. A few actually. Karly was in my class that year, but she gave up on writing, and we were too embarrassed (You know because we were cool 5th graders) to continue with Star and Stripe. So I went on my own. I don't remember what my writing was about, but my teacher must have seen it because she told my mom I would be an author some day. I know they had something to do with horses, I was obsessed with those that year.

6th grade I didn't write at all. That was the years when I finally crushed on boys so I would never be caught dead writing.
7th Grade, I wrote again. I actually still have the story in my room somewhere. I just temporarily lost it... it is actually the first draft of my book "The Angel That Turned Dark." (Which was constructed in 10th grade) I just didn't know that when I wrote it. 
8th grade, all hell broke loose on my life and writing was the least of my worries. I stared reading though.

The end of 9th grade was when I started my first blog. (Not this one. The 828 was created in October 2010) I envied my cousin Mary who had her own poetry blog. From that day on I never wrote on paper again, all my writing was on the computer. On that blog, I started a book called "The Sixth Sense." The first thing I EVER wrote on the computer is here. It's pretty suckish.

 Mary suggested that I put my writing on a site called "Inkpop.com" 
The rest is history.

So back then when I was eight, I don't remember why I started. Just for something fun to do, I guess. 
But now I know I write because I love the creativity and imagination of it. I just love that it's something I created with my own mind, and some people actually like it. 

Right now I decided I'm on the "Quest to 100." To get Flawed in the 100 rankings. Right now I'm currently at 270. (My personal best was 267.) My short story "Turning the Page" is currently ranked at 59, the best I've ever been ranked before, but that's only in the short story category. 

Why am I doing this post exactly? Because July 2011 is my one year anniversary of writing online. July 12th 2010 to be exact. I think I've come a long way since then, and hopefully I continue to go farther. 

I say I want to be a journalist, at least I'm pretty sure I do. But in the back of my mind, I want to be an author too. I don't know how realistic that dream is, I doubt I could ever find someone who would want to publish my work. I can only hope. And in this terrible economy, I'm going to need a good job, who knows if I'll be successful as an author. Maybe I'll do it as a side job, and if I end up getting published, quit my job as a journalist. That sounds good.

My English teacher told me once, " The only way to get better at writing is to read." So I'll be reading a lot. My parents don't know I write, the only ones who do are my cousins Bailey and Mary.  

So, over to you guys! Why did you start writing? What was the first thing you ever wrote? Do you remember? When did you start writing? Do your parents know you write? Leave comments! I always like to get to know my followers better!

Tomorrow Evie and Taylor Lynn will be guest posting! So check for those posts tomorrow! I'll be off visiting a college!  Thanks for reading! 

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