I have a new layout! I won this amazing, beautiful, and elegant layout from a giveaway at
Peace, Love, and Books! I was so shocked, I've never won a giveaway before! I pretty much freaked out this morning when I found out, it was crazy! Evie installed the layout on the same day! She's brilliant! As you can see, it's a lot different from my other layout. It gives a whole new feel to blogging. My old design was by the also very talented Qui, who just opened back up her blog design site!
So, I no longer have the Poetry tab, instead there is a Contact tab, where you can find my Goodreads, Inkpop, Twitter, and Email links. So if you need to go to any of those profiles, go there! My Polyvore and WeHeartIt profiles are on the sidebar under "Other Interests."
Evie also made me two new buttons!
Please grab one of these new buttons on the side bar if you get a chance! I'd really appreciate it!
This blog design fits my personality a lot! "Imagination is center stage," is going to be like my new life quote, haha. The quote at the bottom is so cool, "In my mind, the rehearsal hall is always open."
Evie, thank you so much! You don't know how grateful I am for this! You have a true talent for blog designing! Everyone, go check out her blog right now, Peace, Love, and Books.
She has a really entertaining blog, especially if you love to read! She blogs about books, writing, authors, and blog tips and tutorials! It's a book filled blog! She does great reviews on tons of novels too. She has a lot of giveaways, also!
She drew her ENTIRE layout, that just shows you how talented she is! Go follow her blog now. Do it.
Evie's other newer blog is called Dreaming in Open Fields. It's her personal blog, go follow it. Do it.
Thanks so much again, Evie!
What do you guys think of it? Let me know!
And also, can you all see the header? When I go in Internet Explorer, the header doesn't show up, but on Google Chrome it does. So please let me know if you can see the entire layout. It's worrying me. :(
I give this layout.. five stars! (or Keys)

She made me new Reader's Ramble ratings, so I'll be able to use these instead of those stupid stars from the internet!
New signature!