Dance Moms, really?

Many of us here on Blogger are or were dancers, including myself. Those of you who are, you might want to check this out. 
Dance Moms, a reality show on Lifetime. Okay, really? Come on now. This is crazy! 

"The series, premiering tomorrow, Wednesday, July 13, at 10 p.m., is set at a Pittsburgh dance studio run by an officious, bullying teacher who berates her dance students and bickers with their obnoxious stage mothers, who, in turn, occasionally fight with and trash one another. The dancers, all young girls, are tarted up like Vegas showgirls.

Although workplace despots and delusional, self-absorbed, affluent women are a dime a dozen in reality TV, the examples on “Dance Moms” are good ones, so people who want to see more of them may enjoy the show, as will people who want to see prepubescent girls in makeup and tight-fitting clothes. But as a look into what could be an interesting world — children’s dance competitions — the series falls short."- Media Life Magazine.

Okay, I know all you guys aren't competitive dancers so you may not have crazy moms or teachers at your studio or have seen them. A dance competiton is just like a huge recital, with all different studios combined, and judges.
 The only one I know on here who is, is Marisa. She would be able to tell you that this is insanity! Not all dance moms and teachers are crazy or evil! Mine aren't!

But some are...
We go to competitions and do our dances. Some moms treat this like the Olympics, they just pressure their daughters so much and it's not right! Dance competitions are for having fun and healthy competition, not craziness and pressure! 

But in this series, the TEACHER is the evil one. She treats them like they are going off to war. If my dance teacher was like that, I'd quit.
The studio where the show is filmed is NEAR WHERE I LIVE! My studio has competed against this studio! GAH! It's hard to believe that those girls are treated like that. They pay money to go there so they shouldn't be yelled at and insulted.

"The premiere episode introduces us to Abby Lee Miller, the artistic decorator and chief choreographer at the Abby Lee dance studio. An imposing woman, she appears in the opening montage telling her slender charges things like “I am your coach; your mother is not your coach” and “Suck it up. I don’t want to see those tears.” "

I knew I didn't like that studio....

I've been in these girl's positions. Competitions are really stressful, but it doesn't call for that kind of behavior. 

See! That woman is a witch! My dance teachers are nothing like that! It's so stereotypical! GAH! 

I'm watching it, I want to see what these girls go through. Our teachers always tell us to have fun and do our best at competitions. These girls.... not so much...
Let me know if you're watching it or your thoughts!
This is a scheduled post, I hope it worked.. I'm off visiting two colleges today. I can't wait to watch this when I get home though..

Any other dancers feel judged? 

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