A Reader's Ramble- Fixing Delilah

For this Reader's Ramble I will be reviewing Fixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler. This book is so great and I love it, I don't even know where to start!

Page count- 320
Things in Delilah Hannaford's life have a tendency to fall apart. 
She used to be a good student, but she can't seem to keep it together anymore. Her "boyfriend" isn't much of a boyfriend. And her mother refuses to discuss the fight that divided their family eight years ago. Falling apart, it seems, is a Hannaford tradition. 
Over a summer of new friendships, unexpected romance, and moments that test the complex bonds between mothers and daughters, Delilah must face her family's painful past. Can even her most shattered relationships be pieced together again? 
Rich with emotion, Sarah Ockler delivers a powerful story of family, love, and self-discovery.

Plot- Ah, this book! It was just so amazing and gripping. She started out with a bang and got to the action, I love books like that! Ockler just keeps you interested all the way through, wondering what secrets lie beneath the surface of Delilah's broken family. And if that's not enough, she adds a romance! A perfect, adorable, romance that I wanted to happen so badly, and then it did! I mean, I never got bored with this story line, there was always something happening. Ocker created a story that many teens can relate to these days and be interested in. And once the secrets are revealed, WOW! I didn't see that coming! It is just like.. woah... There are a lot of intense scenes that are very emotional too. I loved, loved, loved everything that happened in this story. The ending was great too, and it gives you room to imagine the future of the characters. Just amazing.

Setting- Very unique, a town in Vermont called Red Falls. When do you ever hear of a story in Vermont? That just shows you how unique this novel is. They stayed in a Victorian style house next to the lake. That is just like the perfect summer setting for me. I loved it. I could imagine it all perfectly. It was just the perfect summer getaway. 

Theme- I'd say it's something like "Things aren't always as they seem." Or maybe, "Secrets can't stay buried forever." The theme of family drama is also a big part of it too. Every family fights, and this is just a great, great example of that. Like it says on the cover, "Family. It's not always a perfect fit."

Characters- Goodness gracious, characters. For starters, Delilah. I loved her. I didn't like her too much before they went to Vermont, but once she went there we started to see the real Delilah Hannaford. She's reckless and daring, which I am not, but I still love her. She was the perfect fit for the story line. She was so relateable and realistic to readers. I loved her voice. She is just one really special girl who had to go through so much, but still managed to keep herself together.. for the most part.

Patrick. Little Ricky.. Patrick.. oh gosh. *swoons*. He is just such a loveable character and so realistic also. He has his problems like everyone else. His romance with Delilah was just adorable and I loved him so much, I wished he existed. Especially since Delilah and him had the past of when they were kids, it made their relationship even stronger. The fact that he's a singer just adds to the package.

As for all the other characters, they were great. Except the Grandma. I know she was sick and was DEAD, but I didn't like her as they described her. The things she said just made me so angry. I know she was depressed but still. Delilah's mother and her aunt Rachel were wonderful characters as well. They had their ways of coping with everything that went on, and finally they moved past it. I know if I was Delilah, my relationship with my mother would never be the same after what happened. Which is fine, maybe they can start a better relationship.
Then there's the whole dead Aunt Stephanie situation. I think I would really like Stephanie if she was still alive throughout the story. I can also see that she is a symbol for Delilah. 

Cover- *Yes, I am doing covers now." I just absolutely love this cover. It's creative, unique, beautiful, and vibrant. I mean I love the whole paper doll thing and then you see Delilah who is ripped and taped. That was a great idea. If I saw that on a shelf, I'd pick it up automatically.

Overall-Overall, I loved this. (I used the word loved a lot.. I know.. but I did!) It was just an amazing and eye opening read that I think all teenage girls would enjoy. Everything that happens in this book is so realistic and genuine. Some parts had me going KISS KISS KISS! or TELL THE SECRET AHH! WHAT COULD HAVE POSSIBLY HAPPENED? I NEED TO KNOW! If an author can make you do that, then they've succeeded. It had a great ending too, which was amazing. This book was just amazing. You all need to read it. If you are a living, breathing teenage girl you will like this book. It is one of my favorites. Go read it, right now. Go.
With that being said.. this book gets 5/5 stars! 

I was going to read Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma next... but I read the beginning of the book and really didn't like it at all. The characters would have annoyed me throughout and just hearing the one girl lost her virginity at like fourteen just turned me off completely.

So, I got the sample of I am the Messenger by Markus Zusak and LOVED IT! I wasn't planning on reading it until after Never Have I Ever by Sara Shepard, but oh well. That doesn't come out until August 2nd. I'm hoping I'll like I am the Messenger. I loved The Book Thief by him so hopefully this is just as good!