So I bet you all heard the news story that apparently, THE WORLD IS ENDING TOMORROW AHHHH!
HA. First it's 2012, and now this? Come on people! No human being can predict when the world will end. God is not going to do something we all know about. The world can end in 2 seconds, 8 minutes, 3 hours, 2 months, 6 years, 19 decades, WHO KNOWS! It's not going to end in 2012 like the crazy people say. Those old Mayan people just stopped making the calender at that point! They can't predict it! What if you lived in like 300 BC? I wouldn't feel like recording a calender up until 2012! I would have stopped at like.. 400 BC!
At this link you can read about this stupid guy who is making everyone freak out for nothing and just wants fame-,0,5053003.story