Dance Dance Dance!

I just felt like posting some pictures of costumes and snapshots from my dances.

I've had these costumes since January but, I feel like doing a post now. So enjoy and let me know what you think of the costumes. Especially if you're a dancer haha.

This costume is for a Bollywood/ jazz dance to the song Body Language by Kaci Brown. It's not my favorite dance ever and we didn't do that great with it at competitions, but it's cool. The picture of the arm thing up there, we do that in the dance. That's us.

This costume is for our group hip hop. They're all different colored shirts. Part of the song is Tic Toc by Justin Timblerlake and Madonna I think.. and the other song is called Move but I'm not sure who it's by. We did really good with this dance at competitions. We got 1st highest score in our category at one competition. This dance was really hard to learn at first.

This is a jazz/ musical theatre dance called Speaking French. We did good with it at competitions. At one competition we got 1st highest score and these costumes won the "best costume" award. I don't know why. These costumes are so itchy and uncomfortable! But oh well, I guess people liked them. I like this dance but basically we are french sluts in it so.. eh..

This is our tap costume for the song This Joint is Jumping. The dance isn't my favorite but it's alright. The costumes are annoying, the sequins constantly fall off and it's way too short. But they sparkle nicely on stage.

This costume is for my hip hop duet. I love this dance more than any duet I've ever had. I love hip hop. It's my favorite type of dance. I love this costume too. We did pretty good with this duet.

This is a picture of a bunch of us from our studio right after we found out we won that big trophy for "Top Studio Award" at a competition. It was really funny because the announcer was like "Okay now time to announce the winner of the Top Studio Award." And we're all just like, "It's definitely not us, lets just leave now." But then the announcer called our dance academy and we're like AHHHH!! And this picture was taken while we were running out to the center of the stage to receive the trophy. It's a priceless picture.

I actually have 8 dances, but the other 3, I don't like the costumes for and they aren't worth posting. One is ballet, the other is a big production jazz number to the musical, "Ragtime." And the other one is an opening jazz number that starts the recital which is in about two weeks! Woo!

Dance is the only thing I'm going to miss when I graduate.