Hopefully they will reply soon, but in the mean time a bunch of you guys replied already. I am going to do a post explaining what will happen. That picture up there will be the button for the activity, once I get the code.
Original post- http://the828.blogspot.com/2011/05/pass-it-on-check-to-see-if-your-name-is.html
Here is what will go down. I will post the beginning of the story. Then I am going to choose someone to take it next. I'll make a list of the order it goes in.
The second person on the list will write the next part of the story I started, then they'll pass it on to the third person on the list.
I'd create the list now but we are still waiting for all those bloggers to respond.
Then once the last person on the list finishes their part, it will be passed back to me and I will write the ending. Then we'll have a crazy, funny, and interesting short story that we all contributed to!
I only have a few rules-
1. You must keep your part of the story at a MAXIMUM of 2 paragraphs.
We don't want this story to be hideously long. It can be less than 2 paragraphs, or even 1 paragraph, that's fine with me. Just don't write over 2 paragraphs or only do 1 sentence.
2. You will have a limit of 3 days to finish your part.
If you don't finish within 3 days, it will go on to the next person.
3. Wait your turn.
If person #4 still hasn't finished their part and they haven't gone over the 3 day limit yet, and you're person # 5, you can't post your part until they have finished. If it has gone over the 3 day limit, then I'll notify you and you can post your part.
4. Keep the main character's name the same.
If I name the main character Billy for example, then please keep his name Billy in your part of the story. You can add whatever characters or events that you want to add, just don't change the main character's name.
5. Read the parts of the story that come before yours.
So you know what's going on.
6. Have fun with it!
Those are my rules :) In the comments, please leave a comment saying the following-
"I _________ have read and will follow the rules of Pass It On."
Once those other bloggers respond, I will post the list of what order we will pass the story!
So far, I have heard from..
Qui, Future Jedi Girl, Converse & Munch, J, Hana C, Ley Firewalker, Devin, Nova, Marisa, Taylor Lynn and Endor.
Still waiting on...
Amaranthine, Jedi Chick, Elanor Lawrence, Jocee, and Evie.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!