I feel like everyone has felt this once. I definitely have.
I don't know why I even try anymore. I'll never be that girl. It's just not worth having a crush anymore, because in the end I always end up getting crushed. When will I learn never to get my hopes up?
"Don't dream too far, don't lose sight of who you are. Don't remember that rush of joy. He could be that boy, but I'm not that girl."
" Wishing only wounds the heart."
I'm done. Just done. Done with school and all those stupid people. 7 more days that I have to deal with them, then I'm FREE for the summer.
Everyone says "Oh you'll miss high school so much. You'll miss your friends and times you had. High school is the best four years of your life." No. It has been the worst 2 years of my life, and I still have 2 more to suffer through. Kids are just nasty, mean, and hateful. The only thing I'm going to miss when I graduate is my dance academy and my cousin Bailey. Everything else I could care less if I left right now.
Sorry for my rant, I'm just in a bad mood. Hope your weekend is going better than mine. I need to stop listening to this because it's going to make me cry. But it won't get out of my head! So this was technically a Stuck in my Head Saturday post.