All I need to know I learned in Kindergarten.

Hey guys! So, today I preformed this monologue/ speech type thing for musical theater class. It was super fun to do and watch other people do too. I worked with two other girls on this and we preformed the scene we created in front of the class. But even though this is just a speech, it's so true. Especially pay attention to the text in bold. 

Imagine This-

*3 friends sitting in the school cafeteria eating lunch. (Paige, Danielle, & Jasmine.) A fist fight breaks out between two students on the left. 3 friends see the fight.*

Paige- Ugh,*leans head back* this school makes me sick.
Danielle-*Looks at Paige* I know! There are fights like every day!
Jasmine- Did they even go to kindergarten?

P- Exactly! All I really need to know about how to live and what to do and how to be I learned in kindergarten. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sand pile at school.

D- I don't know about you guys but, these are the things I learned:
Share everything! Hey Jasmine, can I have your big cookie?

J- What? No! It's mine. *The two girls begin hitting each other over the cookie.*
P- *Breaks up fight* Hey! Come on now, play fair.

J- *pouts face and looks at Danielle & then to Paige* Don't hit people!
D- Put things back where you found them! *Throws empty cookie wrapper at Jasmine*
J- Clean up your own mess. *Throws wrapper back at Danielle.*
P- *Looks toward Danielle.* Don't take things that aren't yours.

J-*Crosses arms & looks at Paige* Say you're sorry when you hurt somebody!
P- *sarcastically* Sorry.
J- Well, I got to go to the bathroom. Be right back! *Gets up from chair and walks away.*

D- So, how are you and Bob?
P- Great! We went to the movies last night, it was soooo romantic!
D- *Squeals excitingly.*
P- He's so hot! *Fans self*
D- He is! Ugh, Jasmine takes forever in the bathroom.

J-*Re-enters scene*
D- Did you wash your hands? 
J- Uh, no. But, I flushed!
*Paige and Danielle scoot their chairs away from Jasmine.*

P- *Looks down at food* You know, if you think about it, warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.
D- You need to live a balanced life, learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
J- Take a nap every afternoon.
P- *sighs* Ah, that would be so nice. But especially, when you go out into the world, watch out for traffic, hold hands and stick together. *Holds Danielle's hand, but refuses to hold Jasmine's.*

J- Be aware of wonder!
P- *Looks down at drink* Ooh! Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup? The root goes down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that. 
D- My seed died right away, but I guess they all die eventually.
P- So did mine. And, so did my goldfish last week!
 J- I don't remember what happened to my seed. But, uhm, I know what happened to your goldfish... Remember when I brought my cat over to your house..?
D- *Spits out water in shock.*
P- Your cat killed ate my goldfish!?
D- Not a big surprise, it tried to eat my hamsters too!
P- Jasmine, I don't like your cat! It needs to go.
D- Yeah, seriously.
J- * gasps* *Says under breath* Cat haters..

P- Oh yeah, and then remember the Dick-and-Jane books where the first word you learned, the biggest word of all....*notices intense moment in fight across the room* LOOK! 
*Danielle and Jasmine both nod their heads*
D-Yeah, I remember that.
P- No, I mean LOOK at the fight! *points*
P, D, J- *Watches, then all three wince* Oooh...ouch..

P- I mean, everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule, love, *looks toward Jasmine with disapproving expression.* Basic sanitation... Ecology, politics, equality, and *glances toward fight.* sane living.

J- Wow, that's a pretty wide vocabulary you have there Paige.
P- *Says in a smug voice* Well, I'm a pretty wise person.

J- I think you can take any of those items and extrapolate it into sophisticated adult terms *gradually stands up from chair, looking towards sky* and apply it to your family life, or your work, government, or world, and it holds true, clear, and firm! 

*Danielle and Paige look at her with shocked expressions and exchange confused glances at Jasmine's sudden speech.*

J- *Looks down and notices Danielle and Paige's expressions, then gradually sits back down shyly.* I mean uh... think what a better world it would be if we all- the whole world-had cookies and milk at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon and then lay down with our blankies for a nap.. 

D- Or, if the government got their act together and had a basic policy to always put things back where they found them and to clean up their own mess, maybe the economy wouldn't be so messed up!
P- I know, right!

D- And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together. *Holds Paige's hand, and Paige again refuses to hold Jasmine's because of her lack of sanitation.*

P- *Scoots away from Jasmine*

The End.

That speech was called "All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten," by Robert Fulghum.

The text I had in bold was text that was actually originally in the speech, the rest of it we just added in ourselves to create a scene. 

That was the fun thing about this speech, the freedom to create whatever kind of scene and characters you wanted. This isn't from a musical or play, so there isn't any certain character saying it or certain setting, so that's why we did the 3 friends in the cafeteria eating lunch. We actually brought in food as props! 

But, this speech is so true, that Robert Fulghum dude must be really smart. Because if you think about it, you DID learn all those things in Kindergarten. Those are the things you are actually going to need when you go out in the world. I mean you need basic math and English that are learned throughout elementary school. 
Like, why do we even go to high school? I am pretty sure I am never going to use Triginometry/ Pre Calculus again in my life, unless I go into a career that involves it. I am never going to have to know why the Japanese started a war with Prussia, or why WWI was started, or how to convert kilograms into milligrams for the periodic table, or any of that crap.Yes, I'll need to know it for college, but not for the real world. 

I think English is the only useful subject, in my opinion. 

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this post and it got you thinking! 

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