It has begun..

The torture that we all so innocently call school has begun for me on August 25th, yesterday. I miss summer already, it seems like I just finished 10th grade yesterday. Wow.

I started 11th grade, so I'm now officially a Junior even though I'm still 15 until Sunday. It's hard to believe, it feels like yesterday I was wondering the halls all confused like the Freshman.


That was mean, I apologize. But it is funny. 
Our school is huge! Two buildings, two floors, and tons of hallways and rooms! It is confusing at first but you get used to it after like day two. It's all about finding the best routes to get to each class.

This is entirely true, and I think you can all agree with me. I HATE waking up so early, freaking five thirty AM! I'd rather sleep till noon, thank you.

It's not just waking up early I hate, it's all the preparation too. I have to worry about how I look and make sure my makeup is perfect and my hair is straight and I'm wearing nice clothes. In the summer I can just be lazy and look however I want because no one sees me and judges me.

I wear fancy and fashionable clothes every single day. No sweat pants, big T shirts or tennis shoes. If you see my in sweatpants, there is something horribly wrong with me. I have a reputation to keep, the most fashionable girl in the class of 2013. Yeah, they actually make people vote for the most fashionable person in our class once we become seniors.
And my goal is to win that award. 

And, the work! So much freaking WORK!  I hate it! I hate worrying about aceing tests and doing all my homework, I JUST WANT TO READ MY BOOKS SO LEAVE ME ALONE! 

This is going to be a really tough year, work wise. I am taking some hard classes. Chemistry, Trigonometry/ Pre Calculus, and Honors Global Connections 3, (History), and Spanish 4. Those are going to be my most stressful and confusing classes. I wanted to challenge myself by taking an honors history class so it will look good for college   I can gain experience in difficult classes. (HA)

This is another main reason I dislike school so much, I hate the people! Well, not ALL the people, but a good majority of them. They are just so rude, thoughtless, uncaring, dirty minded, stuck up, bastards jerks!
Even though I hate most of them, I am not mean to them. I try to be kind and respectful to everyone no matter how much they annoy me.
I'm a nice person.

School also keeps me from doing the things I love more often, reading, writing, and sleeping. I better go read now while I can! 
The only positive thing about me being a junior is I am now considered an Upper Classman and I only have one more year after this in that horrible place!
And I guess some more positives are I actually have a reason to get up in the morning, somewhere to go. Not just sitting around the house all day bored.

For the most part, I like all my teachers this year. Especially my English teacher. SHE READ THE HUNGER GAMES AND LOVED IT! How cool is that? A teacher that actually has something in common with me!

I am also taking Musical Theater again this year as an elective, which I love. It is so fun and gives me a chance to improve on my acting and singing.

And with school starting, that means dance is starting again too after only a three week break. I'm really excited for that! I love learning new choreography.

Have you guys started school yet? What grade are you going into? Do you hate it like me? Leave comments! 

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