An Award!

I'm touched! Awesome Amaranthine at gave me this award..

I'm glad I'm a stylish blogger! With this award I have to..

1. Thank the person who awarded you

2. Write seven things about yourself

3. Pass it on to seven bloggers

4. Tell the seven about their award

Well Thanks Amaranthine! :D Hmm.. 7 things about me..

1. I am a dancer.

2. I have bright green eyes that everyone thinks are contacts but are actually real.

3. I am a Hunger Games addict.

4. I just started the book Before I Fall.

5. I love Taylor Swift.

6. I'm a jewelry addict.

7. I love to skimboard on the beach and I can't wait to do it again this summer!

Well I don't think there's 7 people that I'm friends with left to give it to.. so I'm gonna give it to..

Devin @, Munch/ Converse @, and Marisa @ (I don't think you guys got it yet but if you did I apologize.)

And wow, I have 37 followers now! I'm so happy! To my newer followers that don't have your links to your blogs under your profile, let me know the links so I can follow you too! Thanks!