Extreme Makeover BLOG Edition!

Behold it. Look at my layout. Isn't it amazing? Why ARE YOU EVEN STILL READING THIS?!

My blog recently got an extreme makeover by Qui at http://www.dandyblogdesigns.blogspot.com/.

I HATED my old blog design, and I'm loving this! The font for the different tabs is so cute and the banner is so pretty! The colors and pictures remind me of summer which I miss and want SO MUCH. Isn't it so pretty? I've been looking forward to it so much!

Isn't what she did with the tab "Blogs I <3" so adorable? That is way better than Brilliant bloggers!

Sometime today I'll be getting a blog button too, which I've wanted for FOREVER!

Thank you so much Qui, you are a true artist and have an amazing talent! I see your blog design business getting really popular! I LOVE THIS! This is the best Easter present I've gotten, and this one won't make me gain 10 pounds!

Stop over to http://www.dandyblogdesigns.blogspot.com/ to see Qui's other designs and place an order to get your blog designed!

And OMG, look at my new signature!!

*does happy dance*