100 Followers! & Possibly a Giveaway...

OH MY GOSH!!!! I have 100 followers?! What? How? When? Where? Huh? I can't believe it! My goal was to get to 100 by my year anniversary, which is on October 11th! I made it with 7 days to spare! 

First, I just wanted to say thank you all so, so, so much! You are all my inspiration to blog. To know that people actually LIKE what I post on the internet is amazing! I never thought this blog would come to anything. I thought I'd only have like 1 follower, who is my cousin. (Thank you Mary! Even though you don't blog anymore..)

I remember my first real follower, her name is Ariana. She hasn't blogged since August, but she was my first real follower! So thank you Ariana! 

Then the rest of you amazing people started to follow too! I've made some great friends on here, and without them my passion for blogging probably would have died a long time ago. So thank you Evie, Marisa, Laura, Qui, Amaranthine, Sofia, Devin,Converse, Munch,  Jedi-Chick, Jen, Taylor Lynn, Sam, Alyianna, & Dia for being such great blogger frieinds to me over this time. I am so glad I got to know all you guys and follow such great blogs like yours! Thanks for always commenting and being active, supportive, and kind followers! 

Thank you all to the rest of you too! You are all wonderful and just keep me blogging! I wish I could follow all of your blogs and get to know you more too! Leave me links to your blogs in the comments if I'm not following you! Sometimes I'm not able to access people's blog links unless they leave a comment. I don't know, it's weird. I like to follow all my followers back, so leave me your blog links! 

Thank you also to the newer followers, like Amanda, Charity, Kristina Noelle, and Elizabeth! I don't think I was able to access your blog links. (Except for Amanda) I hope I can follow you guys back soon! And a special thank you to my 100th follower, BillyBobJoe! Thanks so much for being my 100th! Please leave your blog link so I can follow you back! 

Now, I wish so badly that I could do a 100 follower giveaway. But here's the thing, I can't send anything out from my house, and I can't spend any online money on this giveaway. (Like credit cards/ paypal.) I really wish I could reward you guys in some way. 

To do that, I would need some help though. Would any of you who have a blog design website, Etsy shop, or something that you CAN send in the mail from your house, want to contribute to a giveaway? 

I would advertise for you and help promote you. I'd keep your button on my sidebar pretty much forever, and I'd do posts advertising you also! It would pretty much be out of the goodness of your heart, but I DEFINITELY will advertise/ promote for you. I just can't pay you. If you have a blog, I'd guest post for you, or I'd read your manuscript if you write. Anything that doesn't involve money! 

So if any of you would be willing to do that for me, please please please leave a comment! I'd love so much to do a giveaway for my awesome followers! 

So to sum this all up, I love you all and thank you so much for following! I wish I could blog more often but school, dance, and life just get in the way. 
**Update! I now have 101 followers! Thank you Ami for following! 

And also, check out my Teen Review on For The Love of Contemporary! 

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