I. am. so. happy. I HAVE 30 FOLLOWERS NOW! Yay! Thank you so much to all my great followers, there would be no reason for me to blog without you!
I wish I could blog more often, I've been so busy and stressed though! AHG. Tons of homework every night, dance, and work!
We started scheduling for next year at school. I have to take TRIGONOMETRY PRE CALCULUS AND CHEMISTRY. I AM GOING TO DIE. I hate math, and I'm pretty sure it hates me. I don't hate science, but I heard chemistry is hard.
I'm taking some English electives though, like public speaking and word power, to help with my journalism major and the SAT'S.
I finished my yoga pants I was making in clothing class! I'm so happy they're done.
I am also very sad because a great blog called The Treehouse Gang is shutting down. The blog is so great and was only up for a month! I have their button on my sidebar, maybe if they get some more followers they won't shut down! (Lets hope so..)
Anyways, thanks 30 followers! Now back to Biology homework.. yay me...