Last Day of March.

It actually went faster than I expected. Now June just needs to come here quickly! :p

I read some good books this month. For example, Delirium by Lauren Oliver.



But i have to wait until 2012 :(

I also got into The Hunger Games series, and when I say got into, I mean got obsessed with...

I want this necklace from Hot Topic really badly.
It's the MockingJay symbol from the cover, and also like the pin that Katniss wears in the book. I also realized this month that I need to make some new friends. My friends are terrible and sucky and I need some great ones. I'm tired of being treated like a waste of their time. The problem is making new friends. It's a lot harder in high school. Lent is almost over.. soon I'll be able to eat cookies again :D I've gone this whole month without eating a big cookie from my school and I NEED ONE NOW. In english class we are going to start reading To Kill a Mockingbird. I'm looking forward to it because I've wanted to read that for a while now and I heard its really good. Hope your March was good :)

One of the funniest guys on Youtube!

NigaHiga is the funniest Youtuber I've seen in a long time. He is hilarious! He had a lot of videos on his channel so check them out!

How does THIS get 55 MILLION HITS!!??

Shes famous because everyone hates her.

Day as a model, tougher than I thought!

We always see models in magazines, movies, tv shows, photos, advertisements, everywhere! And I always think, "Wow, she must have it so easy, just having to sit there and look beautiful, then get payed!" Boy, I was so wrong.

As you may have read in one of my earlier posts, I was a model for a prom 2011 makeup, hair, and dress trends video and photo shoot for our city's news website. It was super fun, first we got our makeup done at Sephora and our hair at Phillip Pelusi. The guy who did my hair was gay.. it was funny.

Each of us represented a different store. I was Macy's (My favorite store ever), one girl was Cache, another was Nordstroms, and another was White House Black Market. We all got accessories and shoes as well from our stores.

The shoes I wore... biggest heels I've ever worn in my life. They KILLED ME. I was falling over from pain as we had to walk through the mall to Macy's to do the interview and pictures. As I was walking there literally every head turned toward me. It was embarrassing but also nice at the same time.

Then it's just picture after picture after picture and redoing the video 20 times and you have to smile the whole time! My lip started shaking. Other than these things, it was amazing.

The picture above is me in my dress from Macy's. I loved it. I've always wanted to wear a type of dress like that, that's tight on top and flows out below the knees. So that was a dream come true.

My hair was pretty cool, except he made my bangs all greasy and said "Oh it'll look good in pictures!" Yeah.. not so much. The back was unique though.. take a look..

The shoes.. they were so cute and stylish but SO PAINFUL! They were Guess Brand. I kept telling myself BEAUTY IS PAIN BEAUTY IS PAIN. Check these killers out!

Here is a picture from the makeup area..

I'm not going to post the videos because there are creepers out there and I don't want to give away too much information. But I will share the Prom 2011 trends I learned!

Makeup Trends:
-Nothing too Dramatic
-Young and fun
-Peach and coral are colors of the season, they are good for all skin tones
-Big lashes

Hair Trends:
-Tight Buns
-Messy Buns
-Side pony tails that are curled.
-Simple straight pony tail

Dress Trends:
-Asymmetrical style
-One shoulder dress
-Ruffles on top or bottom
-Full length gown
-Bold, dark colors
-Short dresses
-Lots of sparkles

Accessory Trends:
-Cocktail rings
-Handbags with detail and funky shapes
-Strappy High Heels.
-Large Bracelet's
-Large jewels on necklaces
-Long Earrings
Hope you enjoyed these trends :) Now only if I was going to prom....

Let the Hunger Games Begin!

I've finally started reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins! I'm also reading Delirium by Lauren Oliver right now. I needed a book to read while I'm at school, since Delirium is on my kindle. I would never bring my kindle to school, my shady classmates might decide to steal it...

So I checked the Hunger Games out of the library and I'm loving it so far! I love the characters and the suspense the story creates. I hope Katniss wins the games :) I also hope her and Peeta get together. Katniss seems brave and loving for taking her sister's place in the games, that takes guts.

I recently found out that this book is becoming a movie. It will be released March 23 2012. SO LONG AWAY AHH. Oh well, it gives me time to finish the series. Jennifer Lawerence got the part as Katniss. It makes me mad, that's not how I imagined her AT ALL. Hopefully Jennifer can pull it off. The rest of the cast is still a mystery.

I'm thinking this series and movies can become the next Twilight/ Harry Potter. What do you guys think?

Some girls are just born with glitter in their veins..

AH, I LOVE GLITTER. It's just so amazing. Considering I dance, we use glitter all the time. In our hair, on our bodies, eyes, faces, etc..

Like for example this eye glitter from MAC cosmetics from their new Super Woman Collection..
It looks great on my eyes. I was at the MAC counter in the mall and I just randomly started putting it on and it's so pretty! I want it so badly but ITS SOLD OUT EVERYWHERE! Even on the MAC website.. SOLD OUT! Another downer is that tiny container is 21 dollars. Like really?!

I am ashamed to say that today I got a Pillow Pet, but actually.. I really like it. I'm going to use it for when I lay on my bed and read and such. I got the Dalmatian one, its so soft and cute.. look at it!

I recommend getting a Pillow Pet, even if you're a teenager like me. They're cute, soft, and most of all comfortable.

I also got a pair of Coach Poppy sneakers today, for an actually good price, considering Coach stuff is always so expensive. I could not find a photo of them though :(

Hope you all had a nice weekend and hopefully you'll have a nice week to come :D

I need a new layout!

I'm sick of the background and banner and colors of my blog, I need a new one! But I'm not feeling very creative so I need your help.
Does anyone know any good sites for backgrounds other than or If you know any others, PLEASE leave a comment! I am desprate.
I'm angry, I can't find Glee season one episode one anywhere on the internet without taking some survey or playing a game that will infect my computer with a virus! It urks me. So I guess I am just going to have to try and just start watching it in the middle of the second season, oh well.

Current favorite songs!

This is just a post about some of my current favorite songs, I would put the youtube videos, but my computer is an idiot and won't let me, so it'll just be the links to the videos. Who Says? By Selena Gomez. Electric Twist by A Fine Frenzy. Almost Lover By A Fine Frenzy. Heart Skips a Beat By Lenka. Hey Na Na By Katie Herzig. (Thinking about doing my next year's solo to this one..) Secret by The Pierces. (The theme song of Prettly little liars!) I Don't Care By Fall Out Boy. Blow By Ke$ha. Hold it Against Me By Britany Spears.

Check out these songs if you don't know them already! You'll love them! You know you want to..

"Don't get too comfortable. It's not over until I say it is. -A"

"I suppose I could let bygones be bygones, forgive and forget, yadda yadda. But where's the fun in that? These pretty little bitches got everything I ever wanted, and now I'm going to make sure they get exactly what they deserve. Does that make me sound awful? Sorry, but as every pretty little liar knows, sometimes the truth's ugly-and it always hurts. I'll be watching.... Mwah! -A"

"Did you really believe I was Toby? Puh-lease. I would have killed myself too. I mean, honestly - ew. He totally had it coming. Karma's a bitch, and so am I - just ask Aria, Emily, Hanna, and Spencer...."


HAHAHHA. Oh how I love you A.

Monday March 21 is the season finale of Pretty Little Liars!

I am so sad because I love watching this show. Sometimes it makes me mad though because they change so much from the books and literally nothing is the same, I wouldn't be surprised if they changed who A is.. well the first A anyway. If they change the second A, I'm going to be REALLY. REALLY. ANGRY. So I'll defiantly be watching it, let me know if you are!

Speaking of Pretty Little Liars, another great book by Sara Shepard called "The Lying Game," is BECOMING A SHOW!!! I'm so friggin excited I can hardly wait!

It will premiere August 15th on Abc Family at 9. The series is based on the books, but it's a little different.. OF COURSE.

Here is the pitch from the book...

Sutton Mercer had a life anyone would kill for. Then someone did. Now her twin sister Emma is living the life that Sutton left behind, and Sutton is watching her every move from beyond. What’s it like?
“The worst part about being dead is that there’s nothing left to live for. No more kisses. No more secrets. No more gossip. It’s enough to kill a girl all over again. But I’m about to get something no one else does—an encore performance, thanks to Emma, the long-lost twin sister I never even got to meet.

Sutton’s sister Emma got the short end of the twin stick. She grew up a hundred miles away with none of the perks of Sutton’s life of privilege. They were supposed to finally meet the day Sutton was killed . . . to figure out why they were separated at birth . . . where they came from . . . who they really are . . .
Now Emma is desperate to know what happened to me. And the only way to figure it out is to be me—to slip into my old life and piece it all together. But can she laugh at inside jokes with my best friends? Convince my boyfriend she’s the girl he fell in love with? Pretend to be a happy, carefree daughter when she hugs my parent’s goodnight? And can she keep up the charade, even after she realizes my murderer is watching her every move?”

One twin dead, and the other one stuck in a life that isn’t hers? Which part of Sutton’s life do you think Emma will have the hardest time faking?

See, in the book, the twins never meet, but in the show they will meet, THEN Sutton is killed.. Here is the description of the show..

The Lying Game follows Emma, a kind-hearted foster kid who learns she has an identical twin sister, Sutton. Sutton, unlike Emma, was adopted by wealthy parents and is seemingly living an ideal life. After their initial meeting, Sutton talks Emma into stepping into her life for a few days while she pursues a lead on the mysterious identity of their birth mother. After Sutton inexplicably fails to return to the girls’ designated meeting place, Emma must decide whether to come clean about her identity and risk her own safety in the hope of uncovering her twin sister’s whereabouts, along with the truth about why they were separated in the first place.

See! They always have to change stuff! WHY!!?? It was good enough as it is! I'm still going to watch it though.

Will you watch it? Or read the Lying Game? LEAVE COMMENTS!

"I'll be watching. -A"

"He showed me his smile and went straight for my heart."

I feel terrible, I have not blogged in like 2 weeks, I apologize.

I've been so busy with school and dance and life, I just haven't had time!

I've been trying to finish the book Matched by Ally Condie for like three weeks now, and I finally did. It was the worst book I have read in a long time. It's just plain boring. Characters are boring, setting is boring, plot is boring, JUST BORING. Oh well. I don't recommend it to anyone. I had to force myself through it just because I wanted another book to go to my goal of 40 books this year. (hopefully more.) So now I'm at 8/40. Woo hoo.

Now I am currently reading Delirium by Lauren Oliver. It is really good so far, which is where the quote that I used for the title came from.
"He showed me his smile and went straight for my heart."
I can unfortunately relate to that quote. Gah.

Next up on my reading list is Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver. I read the first few chapters of it on my kindle and it seems really good and exciting.
You know what is a HUGE pet peeve of mine? When people crack their bones constantly. It makes me cringe and want to cover my ears. I can't stand it! I used to sit in front of this kid who always cracked his neck and back and knuckles and toes and its like AHHH STOP STOP STOP!! The only thing I can crack is my toes, and I don't even like doing that!

I have a new favorite music group. A Fine Frenzy. When Devin at posted some posts about A Fine Frenzy, I figured I'd look them up. And I LOVE THEM. My two favorite songs from them are Almost Lover and Electric Twist. If you don't know who A Fine Frenzy is, look them up, right now. So thank you Devin for introducing me to them. :)

I'm going to start watching Glee. Everyone says it's such a good show and talks about it at school and dance. They always ask me, "Do you watch Glee?" and I always have to reply NO. So I want to see what the big deal is.

I am so excited for next Wednesday because I. get. to. be. a. model! My cousin who works for the town's news station is doing a hottest prom 2011 trends photo and video shoot for the news website, so she asked me and a few other of my teenage cousins to be models! We get to get our hair and makeup done and wear dresses of the mall's choosing where we are doing the shoot at. I might post a picture or two on here, I don't know yet. Too bad I'm not old enough to go to prom, oh well.
So yeah, that's it for this blog post. I am going to start doing this at the end of each "personal" post...
Current Obsessions- Delirium, Taylor Swift, A Fine Frenzy,Words With Friends,, and hopefully Glee; I don't know yet.

Wedding Lace Trimming Manufacturer - Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd

If you
looking for any Lace Fabric, please visit our Official- BlogCatalog
And contact us by E-mail:

We will offer you the competitive price and the best products.

Raymond Mok
Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd
Tel: 852 23990369 (Hunting Line)
Fax: 852 27874982

Guangzhou Li Seng Co., Ltd. -          (Representative Office)
Shanghai Grosgrain Manufactory.    (Grosgrain Tape Manufactory)
Xiamen Li Seng Co Ltd -               (Xiamen Manufactory)

Supply: Applique Motif, Beads And Sequins, Beading Lace Trimming, Wedding Lace Fabric, Garment Accessories, Embroidered Lace, Cotton Lace, Lace And Trims, Crochet, Rashel, Peter sham, Braid, water-soluble lace, Canvas Belt, Packing Bow, String Lock, Alloy button, Alloy Buckles, Suspender Buckles, Fashion Buckles, Prong Snap Button, Jeans Button, Snap Buttons, Stoppers And Cord tips etc.
Wedding Lace Trimming Manufacturer - Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd

If you
looking for any Lace Fabric, please visit our Official- BlogCatalog
And contact us by E-mail:

We will offer you the competitive price and the best products.

Raymond Mok
Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd
Tel: 852 23990369 (Hunting Line)
Fax: 852 27874982

Guangzhou Li Seng Co., Ltd. -          (Representative Office)
Shanghai Grosgrain Manufactory.    (Grosgrain Tape Manufactory)
Xiamen Li Seng Co Ltd -               (Xiamen Manufactory)

Supply: Applique Motif, Beads And Sequins, Beading Lace Trimming, Wedding Lace Fabric, Garment Accessories, Embroidered Lace, Cotton Lace, Lace And Trims, Crochet, Rashel, Peter sham, Braid, water-soluble lace, Canvas Belt, Packing Bow, String Lock, Alloy button, Alloy Buckles, Suspender Buckles, Fashion Buckles, Prong Snap Button, Jeans Button, Snap Buttons, Stoppers And Cord tips etc.

Wedding Lace Fabric Manufacturer - Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd

Wedding Lace Trimming Manufacturer - Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd

If you
looking for any Lace Fabric, please visit our Official- BlogCatalog
And contact us by E-mail:

We will offer you the competitive price and the best products.

Raymond Mok
Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd
Tel: 852 23990369 (Hunting Line)
Fax: 852 27874982

Guangzhou Li Seng Co., Ltd. -          (Representative Office)
Shanghai Grosgrain Manufactory.    (Grosgrain Tape Manufactory)
Xiamen Li Seng Co Ltd -               (Xiamen Manufactory)

Supply: Applique Motif, Beads And Sequins, Beading Lace Trimming, Garment Accessories, Embroidered Lace, Cotton Lace, Lace Trimming, Crochet, Rashel, Peter sham, Braid, water-soluble lace, Canvas Belt, Packing Bow, String Lock, Alloy button, Alloy Buckles, Suspender Buckles, Fashion Buckles, Prong Snap Button, Jeans Button, Snap Buttons, Stoppers And Cord tips etc.

The Best Wedding Lace Fabric Supplier - Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd

Wedding Lace Trimming Manufacturer - Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd

If you
looking for any Lace Fabric, please visit our Official- BlogCatalog
And contact us by E-mail:

We will offer you the competitive price and the best products.

Raymond Mok
Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd
Tel: 852 23990369 (Hunting Line)
Fax: 852 27874982

Guangzhou Li Seng Co., Ltd. -          (Representative Office)
Shanghai Grosgrain Manufactory.    (Grosgrain Tape Manufactory)
Xiamen Li Seng Co Ltd -               (Xiamen Manufactory)

Supply: Applique Motif, Beads And Sequins, Beading Lace Trimming, Garment Accessories, Embroidered Lace, Cotton Lace, Lace Trimming, Crochet, Rashel, Peter sham, Braid, water-soluble lace, Canvas Belt, Packing Bow, String Lock, Alloy button, Alloy Buckles, Suspender Buckles, Fashion Buckles, Prong Snap Button, Jeans Button, Snap Buttons, Stoppers And Cord tips etc.

Cotton Applique Motif Manufacturer - Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd

( The Best Choice )
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Official Blog Catalog

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We a specialized in all clothing garment assembly, sewing of wedding gowns, lace re embroidery and beading, crochet beading, hand beading, handcraft works for all apparel,

Please Contact Us E-mail:

Raymond Mok

Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd

(Hong Kong Office)
Tel: 852-23990369 (Hunting Line)
Fax: 852-27874982 
Guangzhou Li Seng Co., Ltd. -          (Representative Office)
Xiamen Li Seng Co Ltd -               (Xiamen Manufactory)

Supply: Applique Motif, Beads And Sequins, Beading Lace Trimming, Garment Accessories, Embroidered Lace, Cotton Lace, Lace Trimming, Crochet, Rashel, Peter sham, Braid, water-soluble lace, Canvas Belt, Packing Bow, String Lock, Alloy button, Alloy Buckles, Suspender Buckles, Fashion Buckles, Prong Snap Button, Jeans Button, Snap Buttons, Stoppers And Cord tips etc.

Cotton Applique Motif Manufacturer - Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd

( The Best Choice )
Introduce Good Supplier

Official Blog Catalog

To: Designer, Merchandiser And Purchaser

Re: Are you looking for Cotton Applique Motif Manufacturer

We a specialized in all clothing garment assembly, sewing of wedding gowns, lace re embroidery and beading, crochet beading, hand beading, handcraft works for all apparel,

We can capable of Doing fine Embroidery ( Beads And Sequins ) On the Motif, and looking for contract and would be interested to do business with you.  As high-quality apparel contractors, we consistently produce garments you would be proud to put your label on!
Looking forward to hear from you,

Please Contact Us E-mail:

Raymond Mok

Hong Kong Li Seng Co Ltd

(Hong Kong Office)
Tel: 852-23990369 (Hunting Line)
Fax: 852-27874982 
Guangzhou Li Seng Co., Ltd. -          (Representative Office)
Xiamen Li Seng Co Ltd -               (Xiamen Manufactory)

Supply: Applique Motif, Beads And Sequins, Beading Lace Trimming, Garment Accessories, Embroidered Lace, Cotton Lace, Lace Trimming, Crochet, Rashel, Peter sham, Braid, water-soluble lace, Canvas Belt, Packing Bow, String Lock, Alloy button, Alloy Buckles, Suspender Buckles, Fashion Buckles, Prong Snap Button, Jeans Button, Snap Buttons, Stoppers And Cord tips etc.

An absolutley MUST HAVE app!

If you have an Ipod Touch or Iphone or Andriod phone, you. need. this. app.

It's called Words with friends. It's exactly like Scarbble, but online! I know that seems kind of boring, but once you get into a bunch of games with all your friends and sometimes random people, it becomes REALLY ADDICTING. I think I'm in about 10 games right now. These games can go on for days, until all the letter spaces are filled.
You just make words, like scrabble. It keeps score for you and gives you letters. It's fun to challenge yourself and see what you come up with. Plus, it's an educational and fun game, so parents will not mind if you are on it a lot!

Just search Words with friends in the app store, it's free! There's an ad-free version that costs money but I don't mind the ads.

Well, if you get this app and want to play me, my user name is Paigeee828. Invite me to a game or leave your user name in the comments and I'll invite you!

When will the excitement start?

So I've been reading Matched by Allie Condie for about a week now and I'm on like page 100 and nothing exciting is happening! She found out her match, her best friend WOOP DEE DOO. And then that other guy's face came up and she got all scared, and now she sees that guy around but like what else is going to happen?

I'm practically forcing myself to read it since its so boring to me. Does it get better? Or should I put it down and start reading this....
Delirium by Lauren Oliver. I'm reading this next regardless if I finish Matched or not. I got the free sample (First four chapters) of this on my kindle because I was bored with Matched, and it was SO GOOD! The first four chapters of this book got me more hooked than Matched did in 10 chapters!
Should I give Matched a chance? Or just go on and buy Delirium?

"You just see right through me, but if you only knew me.."

"We could be a beautiful, miracle, unbelievable, instead of just invisible." - Invisible, Taylor Swift.

I guess we have all felt like this before, totally invisible. That's how I've felt lately, and it sucks. That song is like the story of my life right now.

This person and I are friends, but he just sees right through me. I don't know if he wants to be more than friends or not, I doubt it. Sometimes he talks to me and sometimes he doesn't. I just wish I wasn't so invisible to him. I wish he saw me the way I see him, you know what I mean?

I don't know how to get closer with him, but I really want to. Some days I just want to give up but I don't know. Any tips on getting to know someone?

On another note.. have any of you guys seen the Born This Way video by Gaga? Okay, I love Gaga but that video is just TOO weird.. she went a little over the top with that... if you haven't seen it, look it up.

Taylor Swift needs to make some videos for her songs, they are AMAZING. She made the Back to December video, but that one was kinda boring. It's just that guy walking back and forth back and forth and Taylor getting snowed on! Oh well, hopefully other videos will be better. The Mine video is WONDERFUL!

Anyone agree? LEAVE COMMENTS!

So I heard this rumor where if you say "I will remember my dream, I will remember by dream," a few times right before you go to sleep, you'll remember your dream! My math teacher told us about it and she said it works, then one of the girls in my class tried it and she said it worked, so I'm gunna try it tonight! That'll be so creepy and awesome if it works..

Bye dolls :)

Fashion Fridays

Here is this week's current fashion trend-

Lace! Lace is VERY in right now! You'll see it everywhere! It can be full lace shirts, sweaters, backs of shirts, sides of shirts, lace sleeves, anything!I have a few lace tops and I love them! You can basically get lace style at any clothing store these days.

That was this week's fashion Friday!

"The best colour in the whole world is the one that looks good on you." - Coco Chanel

30 followers, Finally!

I. am. so. happy. I HAVE 30 FOLLOWERS NOW! Yay! Thank you so much to all my great followers, there would be no reason for me to blog without you!

I wish I could blog more often, I've been so busy and stressed though! AHG. Tons of homework every night, dance, and work!

We started scheduling for next year at school. I have to take TRIGONOMETRY PRE CALCULUS AND CHEMISTRY. I AM GOING TO DIE. I hate math, and I'm pretty sure it hates me. I don't hate science, but I heard chemistry is hard.
I'm taking some English electives though, like public speaking and word power, to help with my journalism major and the SAT'S.

I finished my yoga pants I was making in clothing class! I'm so happy they're done.

I am also very sad because a great blog called The Treehouse Gang is shutting down. The blog is so great and was only up for a month! I have their button on my sidebar, maybe if they get some more followers they won't shut down! (Lets hope so..)

Anyways, thanks 30 followers! Now back to Biology homework.. yay me...