"The only thing harder than getting in is staying in."

If you read The Clique, then you totally understand that quote!

I started reading The Clique series about two weeks ago and I'm already on the third book, The Revenge of the Wannabes.
I REALLY REALLY love the series so far. It's interesting and exciting. It makes me sad that the Clique is split up right now, I hope they get back together soon :(

I've been trying to decide on who my favorite character should be, and I'm not really sure. I like Massie because she is powerful, pretty, and fashionable, but she is really mean and bratty. I like Alicia because she's pretty, fashionable, popular, and a dancer (like me), but she is a cheater and she can be bratty a lot too. I like Claire, but she seems lame compared to the rest of them.

I love Massie's comeback's when she is like...

"Claire, do you work in a grocery store?"

"No, why?"

"Then why are you checkin me out?"

Those just make me laugh.

Do any of you guys read The Clique series? Have you seen the movie? Is it good? Leave comments!